报告标准更新 – GRI 306: 废弃物 2020

2020-10-12T15:50:49+08:0011 8 月, 2020|ESG, GRI|

GRI正式发布GRI 306:废弃物2020标准。该准则是组织可⽤于报告和交流其废弃物影响的第⼀个全球适⽤的⼯具。 GRI 306:废弃物2020标准反映了废弃物管理的全球最佳做法,并将对2022年1⽉1⽇或之后发布的报告和其他相关材料有效。

企业健康文化 (COH4B)

2020-06-29T15:51:34+08:001 6 月, 2020|GRI|

随着越来越多的私人企业意识到其对社会及群众健康的影响力,Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) 伙同Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 进行了一项名为《企业健康文化(COH4B)》的研究计划,旨在透过探索对健康和业务有实质影响的商业惯例,该计划目的推动企业去从不同的角度思考如何积极改善群众及社会健康。


2020-06-29T15:49:15+08:0028 5 月, 2020|ESG, GRI|



2020-06-29T15:45:41+08:004 3 月, 2020|ESG, ESG, GRI, GRI|


How to take advantage of GRI Standards to facilitate the disclosire under TCFD recommendations?

2020-06-29T15:41:40+08:004 3 月, 2020|ESG, ESG, GRI, GRI|

Business and climate change have mutual impacts on each other. Business influences climate change with climate-related reporting today laying more emphasis on different business models’ carbon footprint while climate change does sway business models to some extent with the reporting promoted by Task Force on Climate-related financial disclosures (TCFD) focusing on financial implications of climate change on business models. Hence, what TCFD aims to achieve is to develop a framework that allows the voluntary, consistent climate-related financial risk disclosure to investors, lenders, insurers, and other stakeholders.

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